GameSalad® Logo Permissions And Guidelines
If you have read and agree to the details below you may continue to download
Download the GameSalad logos – 9.9 MB
Please read these guidelines carefully
* The GameSalad® logos have recently changed. Please discontinue use of ALL other GameSalad® related logos, graphics, images, quotes, etc. Only display images from the Design Kit provided.
By Downloading Or Using The GameSalad® Logos, You Agree To Adhere To The Following Guidelines:
- The GameSalad® color scheme is Purple #6633CC, and Light Purple #9966CC. These colors should be use when necessary.
- You may not alter the GameSalad® logo in any manner, including: proportions, colors, visual treatments, etc. Do not animate, morph, rotate, skew, or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.
- You may not shorten or abbreviate the names GameSalad®.
- The GameSalad® logo must appear by itself, with a minimum spacing of 15 pixels between each side of the icon and any other graphic or textual elements on your Web page or ad.
- Reference to the GameSalad® logo may not be the most prominent visual element on your page or ad. Your company name and/or logo, your product or service name, and your graphics should be significantly larger.
- Your product name or logo may not be confusingly similar to that of GameSalad®.
- The Full name of the product must be referenced at the first and most prominent mention of the software in a body of text. (GameSalad® or Game creation for everyone™)
Spelling, Capitalization and Punctuation
Please be sure to always capitalize the letter “G” AND “S” in the name “GameSalad”
CORRECT: GameSalad®
INCORRECT: Gamesalad®
INCORRECT: gamesalad®
CORRECT: Game creation for everyone™
INCORRECT: Game Creation for Everyone™
INCORRECT: game creation for everyone™
INCORRECT: Game creation for everyone.™ ← No period at the end
Do Not Italicize.
CORRECT: GameSalad®
CORRECT: Game creation for everyone™
INCORRECT: Game creation for everyone™
Trademarks Are Not Used In Possessive Tense.
CORRECT: The new features in GameSalad® are impressive.
INCORRECT: GameSalad’s features are impressive.
CORRECT: This game was made using GameSalad® software.
INCORRECT: This game was made using GameSalad’s software.
Designer Contact Information
If you have any questions or have special requests please contact
Business Contact Information
If you have business related inquiries for GameSalad, please contact
GameSalad Business Development
GameSalad Office
AUSTIN, TX 78731-3186
GameSalad Websites
gamesalad.com/arcade (HTML5 Web Games)
forums.gamesalad.com (Community)
cookbook.gamesalad.com (Documentation)
http://www.youtube.com/user/GameSaladCookbook/ (Cookbook)