Data Privacy & Security Plan

1. Outline how you will implement applicable data security and
privacy contract requirements over the life of the Contract.
GameSalad follows security best
practices including regular security
review, training, encryption of data in
motion and at rest. Where available,
third-party systems access has 2FA
2. Specify the administrative, operational and technical safeguards
and practices that you have in place to protect PII.
GameSalad encrypts data in motion
and at rest. Employee administrative
interfaces do not show non-email PII by
PII usage is optional and client is given
options for use of platform without
providing PII.
3. Address the training received by your employees and any
subcontractors engaged in the provision of services under the
Contract on the federal and state laws that govern the
confidentiality of PII.
Employees receive quarterly training
on cybersecurity best practices.
4. Outline contracting processes that ensure that your employees
and any subcontractors are bound by written agreement to the
requirements of the Contract, at a minimum.
Employee policy include the need to
comply with contracts.
5. Specify how you will manage any data security and privacy
incidents that implicate PII and describe any specific plans you
have in place to identify breaches and/or unauthorized
disclosures, and to meet your obligations to report incidents to the
Security incidents are verified and
reported within 48 ours of company
being informed or discovering the
breach via email.

If investigation continues after 48 ours,
customer will be informed of the
extent of the breach and data included
as soon as possible.

Systems have alerts that automatically
notify system admins of unusual
activity and all activity is investigated.
6. Describe how data will be transitioned to the EA when no longer
needed by you to meet your contractual obligations, if applicable.
In most cased data will not be
transitioned but erased. If data is
requested, it will be transferred via
secure FTP or an expiring Dropbox link,
as per agreement with requester.
7. Describe your secure destruction practices and how certification
will be provided to the EA.
No special security measures are in
place for data destruction. Accounts
are deactivated and PII is removed
from database records. PII will not be
removed from database backups due
to infeasibility, but data backups have a
rotation schedule ensuring eventual
full deletion.
8. Outline how your data security and privacy program/practices
align with the EA’s applicable policies.
Company regularly evaluates it’s
security practices alignment with the
NIST CSF v1.1 security framework.