2022 GameSalad Video Game Creator Challenge Entry Form
Parental Permission
You will be requested to submit contact information for your parent or guardian, so please get permission from them first.
Game URL
To submit you game, you will need to “publish” your game to the project portfolio. You do not need to complete the process to place your game on GameSalad Arcade, though that is encouraged so you can share your creation with the world!
Instructions for publishing your game can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fC7JIchoXM
Follow the instructions up to 1:34 of the video.
Submit the URL with the format: https://publish.gamesalad.com/game/####/edit
Team Entries
If you are entering as a team, every team member must submit their own entry form. Entrants can indicate team membership by submitting matching Team Name and Game URL fields. If the team is entering the “My Story” theme challenge, each entrant is expected to complete their own essay describing their connection to the game and it’s theme, as well as describing their contribution to the game.
Social Media
If you are over the age of 13 or have permission from your parents to share your game on social media, please let us know with the hashtag: #gamesaladchallenge2022!
The submission period has ended and we are currently in the process of judging the entries. Stay tuned to find out the results of the contest!